Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 223: Funny new movie coming out in Spring 2012 - 21 Jump Street (Trailer)

- NSFW: Explicit Language

Just saw this trailer for this new comedy movie called 21 Jump Street, and I gotta say it looks pretty hilarious. This could be a nice comeback for Jonah Hill since he's been so MIA from the movie scene for a while. Movie coming out on March 2012.

LOL @ the quote "Hey! Do you want me to beat your d*ck off?" hahah! #nice

Saw it here first:


  1. What a funny movie! I will look forward to it absolutely!

    Lette's Haven

  2. @Gillette yea, it looks very silly but that's the kind of comedies I like =P

  3. You know it's based an on 80s show starring Johnny Depp. Here's some clips of the old show.

  4. @ Joshua Ray I heard it was a remake but didn't know the original 21 Jump Street was that old. Thanks for the tip man, I gotta go check that out
